Thursday, November 14, 2013

Why do we blog?

I used to like to keep track of my dreams.  Whenever I stopped telling someone close to me about my dreams, I knew we were drifting apart.  I don't mean my hopes and fairytales of the future.  I mean my actual, neurotic, acid tripping dreams.  I mean when you shut your eyes and your mind tries to fit a Trex wearing a sweater vest through a Cheerio because if you can't make it work there will be dire consequences.  This particular dream sounds sort of biblical to me now that I think about it.  Something about a camel passing through the eye of a needle?  I blame REM sleep plus decades of Catholic upbringing.  But I think my visuals are way cooler.

Other than cataloguing weird dreams for my future, inevitable psychological evaluation, I guess I blog because I'm restless.  At this moment, I'm on break at work staring down a long day with a queasy beer hangover and naught but a cup of coffee and egg sandwich to ease my suffering.  Id rather be home in bed dreaming about dinosaurs.  First world problems.

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